I didn’t hate this book, but I wouldn’t necessarily go out and buy it, or widely recommend it. This is Mr. And Mrs. Smith, but with witches. I don’t super love that movie, so maybe that’s why I don’t also super love the book. It just didn’t translate for me as well as the movie did. I did enjoy the flashbacks between the present fighting and when the first couple met and were falling in love. I didn’t love the ending. It felt rushed and lacking. If you need a mindless book, you may really love this. This might be a really good selection for a library audiobook if you’re multi-tasking.
I’m all for a weird story and don’t mind when stories are more gruesome IF it actually contributes to the story. This was supposed to be some type of groundbreaking horror book, but it was really just a sequences of scenes on the page designed to make people gag. You can read some of the other reviews for more information on those. I do not want any of that in my brain anymore, and I should have DNFd this book and thrown it directly into the river where it belongs.