Deliver me by Karen Cole is my second NetGalley read for this month. The publishing date is April 18th, 2019 and is released by Quercus Books.

Synopsis (from Goodreads):
When Abby's doctor tells her she's two months pregnant she doesn't believe him. She can't be - she hasn't had sex for over a year. But to her astonishment and dismay, multiple tests confirm it's true.
Desperately searching for an explanation, Abby recalls New Year's Day - the terrible hangover, the hole in her memory where the night before should have been and the inexplicable sense of unease - and realizes that this baby must have been conceived at her best friend Danny's NYE party.
Horrified that someone would have taken advantage of her intoxicated state, Abby enlists the help of Danny to find out which of the party guests assaulted her. But, when she starts to receive anonymous messages, it seems that while she has been looking into the father of her baby, someone has been watching her...
This book was definitely thrilling. It was a fast read (finished in about 4 hours) and it was captivating the entire way. This book hits the nerve of every girl who has gone out and had a little too much to drink, causing memory loss. I was terrified for Abby and her thinking that she had been raped made me super uneasy. Rape culture was real in this book, from multiple people second guessing her accusation, to disapproving of her decision to get an abortion, to being told that if she hadn't had so much to drink this couldn't have happened. Instead of trying to help her like they should have been, most of the people in her life judged her for her actions. She spends a lot of time trying to trace her steps and talking to people who think she was just drunk and being a slut.
When Abby's doctor tells her she's two months pregnant she doesn't believe him. She can't be - she hasn't had sex for over a year. But to her astonishment and dismay, multiple tests confirm it's true.
Desperately searching for an explanation, Abby recalls New Year's Day - the terrible hangover, the hole in her memory where the night before should have been and the inexplicable sense of unease - and realizes that this baby must have been conceived at her best friend Danny's NYE party.
Horrified that someone would have taken advantage of her intoxicated state, Abby enlists the help of Danny to find out which of the party guests assaulted her. But, when she starts to receive anonymous messages, it seems that while she has been looking into the father of her baby, someone has been watching her...
This book was definitely thrilling. It was a fast read (finished in about 4 hours) and it was captivating the entire way. This book hits the nerve of every girl who has gone out and had a little too much to drink, causing memory loss. I was terrified for Abby and her thinking that she had been raped made me super uneasy. Rape culture was real in this book, from multiple people second guessing her accusation, to disapproving of her decision to get an abortion, to being told that if she hadn't had so much to drink this couldn't have happened. Instead of trying to help her like they should have been, most of the people in her life judged her for her actions. She spends a lot of time trying to trace her steps and talking to people who think she was just drunk and being a slut.
Her brother-in-law Rob and sister Ellie lost their child a few years ago, adding to the family pain. To make matters worse, Abby lives in the house with them. When Ellie goes missing, all hell breaks loose in the rest of their lives. Abby starts to go into labor, and we finally get a glimpse at who the mysterious person is sending her flowers, aggressive text messages, and harassing phone calls.
This book kept me guessing until the end. I was pretty sure I knew who the person was before I hit the end of the first 100 pages. I was completely wrong. I love that this book didn't go the "traditional" way thrillers like this seem to. It was nice to be surprised. Combine the surprise ending and the tempo of the book, and this is an easy 5 star read for me. I highly recommend picking this book up when it is released on 04/18/19.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars
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