I was granted early access for The Dancing Girls by M.M. Chouinard through NetGalley. Bookouture is set to publish this book on 05/15/19. If you are in the mood for a serial killer thriller, this is definitely for you!

Detective Jo Fournier is thrown into a mind boggling case when Jeanine Hammond is found dead in her hotel room with strange strangulation marks. This case soon connects to several cold cases and Jo begs for help solving them. The story follows her as the FBI rejects her, the suspect outsmarts her, and she starts to feel in over her head.
I actually forced myself to read this slower so that I could savor the book. I do wish that there had been more information about the killer's past, and the same with the person he meets towards the end of the book. I would have liked a little less computer detail and a little more interaction from the different victims. I liked the resolution but it felt a little bit rushed. I did love the use of Karma in the end. Overall I enjoyed Jo's detective style. She is the type of character I would follow through multiple books. Cover wise, I think the art is beautiful but I don't necessarily think it fits the story.
If you like serial killer murder mysteries, pick this book up when it is released on 05/15/19! Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the advance copy! I can't wait for more books in the series!
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