A Face in the Crowd was written by Kerry Wilkinson, published by Bookouture on 06/06/19.

What would you do if you got home from work to find an envelope full of thousands of pounds (or dollars for the US) stuffed in your bag? This is the dilemma Lucy faces one Friday evening after coming home to her crappy apartment from her even crappier job. Would you keep it, or turn it in? This decision could end up costing Lucy more than she ever thought possible.
Okay, we all know I love Bookouture. I rave about them all the time. This book was no different. I've been Lucy. I've been the poor kid at the dead end job eating rice for the one meal a day I can actually afford. When she found the money, I wished someone would drop thousands of dollars into my bag....I'll even hold it open for you! Wilkinson did a really good job of making you feel every single struggle that Lucy has as a poor college student. In fact, all the characters felt sincere, and they played their own parts in the story.
Overall, the book just feels ominous and creepy. I felt like I was being watched while I was reading it at times. The ending is super demented, but in a good way that I can really appreciate. Overall the story was well told, incredibly detailed, and had an ending that left me with no complaints. I might just need to go find more of Kerry Wilkinson's books now.
If you like creepy stalker-y books, this one's for you!
🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars
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