Blake Crouch's latest book Recursion was released on 06/11/19 by Crown Publishing. I was lucky enough to get an early copy from NetGalley in exchange for my review.

New York City cop Barry Sutton is investigating a universal problem the media is calling False Memory Syndrome—it's giving people memories of lifetimes they've never lived.
Scientist Helena Smith has dedicated her life to trying to find a scientific way to preserve memories. Instead of losing them all to something like Alzheimer's, people can store and relive their memories over and over. Barry and Helena eventually collide, discovering that their partnership is the only way to save the world and life as they know it...but can they really do it when it feels like the fabric of life is constantly changing and crumbling around them?
This book was AWESOME. It was mind bending, full of twists and interesting plot turns. It was impossible to stop reading it. Overall I finished this book in about 5-6 hours over the course of a day and a half. I felt glued to my seat the entire time, waiting for the book to "let up." It never did and I am so glad! It felt like a cross between The Matrix and Mission Impossible. This book was heart pounding, stressful, full of activity, and impossible to put down.
This is an easy rating for me. I requested this book as soon as I saw it on NetGalley and waited to read it until closer to the release date. That waiting almost killed me, but I was not disappointed with this book. I'll be adding it to my Book of the Month box next month, simply so I can have the hard copy to sit next to Dark Matter.
Thank you, Mr. Crouch. You have created a truly amazing book with Recursion and I was so happy to be a part of it.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars
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