I bought this book when it was first released on 05/28/19 and took my sweet time reading it because I knew I would only read it for the first time just this once. This book was written by the lovely Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, several years after their podcast My Favorite Murder has blown up. This book is filled with stories of their starts in entertainment, stupid things they did as kids, and reassurances that it's okay to fuck politeness and take care of yourself.
I loved this book. I cried through a lot of it. I also found myself remembering my own situations as kids or teens where we so readily accepted help from strangers. Doing some of the things we did back then as latchkey kids would probably get us abducted or murdered today. Karen's chapter about her mom was heartbreaking and honest, as was Georgia's admittance of her struggles with eating disorders. Even though they're both a few years older than me, I found that we had gone through a lot of similar situations. This book was honest, touching, and very much needed now that we live in a world where a child runs the White House, and everything is so politically charged or offensive to one culture or another.
This book would have been a 5 star read for me, but I wanted more stories I had never heard before. A lot of this book is covered already in the podcast and I found myself just wanting a little more than what the gave me. Here's hoping they hear our cries and write a second book? One can dream.
🌟🌟🌟🌟/5 Stars
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