I received my copy of Athena's Choice from the promotional team on Instagram in exchange for my honest review. The year is 2099, and men have been absent from the earth for almost 50 years after a virus accidentally wiped all of them from the earth. There's a project attempting to bring men back and it has become quite controversial. When the sabotaged project leads authorities to Athena, this completely normal teenager must decide if she wants to help find the culprit. This book was pretty interesting. It read almost like a movie. It's definitely something I would watch if there was ever an on screen translation. The details and imagination of the author were fun to read. Despite the fact that science fiction is not typically my thing, I did enjoy my time spent reading it....right up until the end. Before I go any farther, I just have to say it. The ending sucked. I HATEDDD it. It made me want to throw the book....