After the Flood was written by Kassandra Montag, released by Harper Collins on September 3, 2019. I received my copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

A hundred years from now, the world as we know it does not exist. It basically consists of colonies separated by massive bodies of water. Myra and her daughter Pearl live on their boat, only visiting land when they need to trade for supplies. Myra has been searching for her oldest daughter Row, stolen by her father years ago. Myra learns Row has been spotted near the Arctic, and she decides that she and Pearl must risk life and limb to reach her.
This book annoyed me sooooo much. Myra is too blinded in her search for Row to care about anyone or anything else. She puts Pearl, herself, and everyone else she comes into contact with huge amounts of danger to feed her delusion that she'll be able to find her daughter. Row has been gone for 7+ years. She is blinded by a FANTASY. She deceives a multitude of people, and several of them don't make it because of her. I wanted so badly for someone to stand up to her. She's a nutjob. DO NOT LET HER TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SHIP AND YOUR LIFE. I will forever dislike the cast of this book because they were so incredibly stupid.
Overall, the book was super slow. I didn't feel pity for Myra mourning the loss of her daughter. If anything, it made me mad at her. The last hundred pages of the book is the only part that held my attention, simply because that was the only "action" spot in the book. The ending was disappointing and predictable. Yeah she deserved it, but it was so unsatisfying.
I don't think this book was made for me. If you enjoyed it, I'm so glad you did! Personally, I hated it.
🌟/5 Stars
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