Set in 1994, this story follows three comedians as they tour rural Canada together for a comedy tour. Dale is a middle age comic towards the end of his touring career, Rynn is an up and coming star from Dublin, and Hobie Huge is a nobody added at the last minute by the talent manager. He has no experience, and as we soon find out, no actual talent in comedy. Not long into the trip, he starts to terrify Dale and Rynn with his brutal behavior. Soon they realize the tour is no longer about the comedy, and is solely about whether or not they will actually survive. I thought I would like this more than I actually did. If I had read the book, I might have liked it better than the audio I listened to, which is weird given that the narrator was the author himself. The audio just didn’t pull me in. The story is interesting and different, which is what makes me so disappointed that I didn’t love it. If I were to recommend this, I’d recommend the kin...